FormaV (formerly known as Votiva) gently uses radiofrequency heat internally on the vaginal tissue and externally on the labia to encourage new collagen and blood flow. After 3-6 gentle, pain-free treatments, vaginal membranes are firmer and restored. And patients report significant improvement in vaginal dryness.
FormaV rebuilds collagen and elastin.
FormaV requires no prior preparation. It is preferable if you aren’t menstruating. An updated pap smear and pelvic exam are highly recommended and can be done during your consultation.
You will have a vaginal rejuvenation consultation with us to assess your vaginal issues and symptoms and make sure this is the best treatment for you.
FormaV is a pain-free, in-office procedure. With a special, single-use wand, we deliver radiofrequency heat to the internal vaginal walls and external labia.
You can leave immediately after treatment and resume all normal activities. We will schedule additional follow-up sessions, as the best results are seen in a series of 3 treatments spaced one month apart.
We recommend you refrain from intercourse, pelvic exams, and the use of tampons for 2-3 days. These treatments stimulate your own body’s collagen, which takes time to rebuild, so results are gradual over 6-12 weeks.
Some women notice some immediate improvement, but the best results are with multiple treatments, spaced about a month apart. We advise women to maintain their initial results with annual maintenance treatments.
With aging and hormonal changes, collagen is lost in the vaginal area just like the thin skin around your eyes or on your neck or face. When collagen cushioning is lost, the vaginal membranes become thin and dry, leading to pain or bleeding with intercourse, a “sandy feeling” or irritated vagina, and a change in the appearance of the labia.
With a FormaV treatment, we gently heat the external and internal vaginal tissue, instantly firming the area. Over the next few weeks, your body produces more collagen in the treatment area. After 3 sessions, most women report almost complete resolution of vaginal dryness and a return of firmer, healthier surfaces.
FormaV also improves mild stress incontinence and labial laxity. At Embrace Ageless Beauty, FormaV is our go-to hormone-free treatment for vaginal dryness. It’s effective during peri-menopause, after menopause, and even after breast cancer treatment.
FormaV is also used by many women as a treatment to maintain their vaginal appearance and function. A series of treatments improve vaginal moisture and reduce the appearance of prominent labia.
There is no pain and no downtime after FormaV (Votiva).